Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Diary of a Rapist- 'Power-assertive'

dear diary, i have sinned. Last night i met a lovely girl at the bar. In her early 20's, she was really beautiful; her brown eyes, her brown wavy hair, her lips and her perfect complexion. I just had to have her. Wearing a red dress and a pearl necklace that compliments her skin, she was alone. She was sittin at the corner with a drink. Right when i saw her, iknew I couldnt stop it, the feeling, the urge, the need. I sat a couple of seats away from her. I looked at her. I stared at her. She was going to be mine. Studying her every move, i could see that she wants it too. I walked up to her and asked to buy a drink. She said yes. Her name was Helen. A secretary at the IMB corp. The night was still young. We talked and talked as we drink the night away. Everytime i look at those brown eyes, they reminded me of my daughter. Fuck, you are mine honey. I keep insisting in buying her another drink after she finished hers. The whole time i was looking deeply into her. The urge was stronger than ever. She laughed at my thoughts that women were inferior. I'll show her inferior. Just a few more drinks bitch. It was approximately 2am when she finally thought i was a nice person. She got up to leave and i asked her whether i can send her home. She said yes. The need to have her was so irresistable. It must happen. I couldnt stop it. I took her to my car and drove her to her place. It was a quiet journey, i could tell she was tired. We finally reached the front of her house. Quite a big place for a secretary. I walked her to the door. She said she had a great time, hoping to see me again. I watched her open the door and then i knew it. That moment was my opportunity, it must happen, i must have her, i must do it. I grabbed her and held her from behind. Shhh..or i will fuckin kill you. We made our way in and closed the door.. She tried struggling out of my grip. I was having none of it, i only wanted her. I took her to her room, I threw her on the bed. She screamed in tears 'Let me go! HELP!'... Help? Help? noone is gonna save you bitch. I slapped her hard and started unbuttoning my shirt. She was still dizzy from the hit. I got on her, i ripped out her clothes.. I was in control..'Twas a dark and silent night

Purple Dogs

Hello blog! It has been almost a month or so? that i last post a story or somethin u kno..that is actually bad because i told my dad and my literature teacher that i will always seems lately, ive been tooo busy with my studies u kno, especially with the finals coming up next week.. to be honest, ive never been more scared than ever about my finals..i guess u can say that i havent really been aiming for that 4.00 ever since i got hoping to really start all over again once i enter the degree programme.. SO! bein optimistic here, DEAN, here i come! 

anyway the point of this blog along with reading books, is to basically help me maintain my level of english.. recently people are sayin im losing my american accent..thats not good however and i got sooo stressed out and pissed off by it.. partly to blame is my ego i guess..i just cant stand talkin english with some of my malay friends..u see, when i talk, they sometimes make fun and thats normal i guess cause i make fun of their lousy english as well so we're even.. this backfired and now im payin the consequences haha not to worry though, because my best buddy moe is gonna come here next month to study hopefully by hangin out with him every weekend; not those gay-kinda-thing, i can steadily get back to how i usually am haha if that make sense

arghhh i cant wait for the holidays! after my finals, i have like 3 weeks or so before class starts again..been meaning to revisit a certain Kelly's Castle somewhere in umm i dont kno i forgot hahaha its a historical building with sooo many mysteries surrounding a sucker for these things, i just love mysteries and myths and tales and stuff u kno.. 

so what was i really gonna say today... oh yeah! MOVIES! even though im suppose to be sweating my ass off studyin, i have been watchin late night movies! last night i watched the classic Army of Darkness! it was soo awesome! i forgot how much i missed it! Bruce is sooo bad ass! well ok i think this is long enough of a blog for me to post..lets see what else can i say to make this entry longer..

this evening, in exactly one hour, im suppose to be giving a speech about the Presidential State Car of the United States but im sooo not bothered and im soo lazy.. the lecturer seems to like me speaking, which is weird cause nobody in class understands me hahaha 

now! i better get goin! Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions is waittttttting for me! oh and i noticed that people use blogs to criticise people or just write stories or gonna do it, im gonna promote, make fun, and post good stuffs from now on haha

thats all for now! Purple dogs on a Sunday afternoon

May The Force Be With You
