Thursday, November 12, 2009

At Least You're Known For Something; flaw-ful and proud :)

What makes someone perfect? Is there even such thing as a perfect human being? Surely by now we can all come to a conclusion that no matter how perfect someone is, there must be something within that person that if revealed to the world, may crush his/her confidence. Why? Well its because thats just the way it is in life. However, i am not about to write a blog on imperfection cause it would take ages. In this blog, the type of imperfection i wanna emphasize on is the most common type...appearance. Everyone of my friends have told me at least once that they dont like the way they look. That they wish they could be more good looking. It may be because theyre being humble or simply because of the fact that theyre not confident in the way they look. Sadly, no matter how they say it, theres a high chance of certainty that its not because theyre just being humble. This is not to say im different. Hell, even i sometimes dont like the way i look. But thats another post entirely. What i wanna get on about is why we keep doin it to ourselves. Why do we keep torturing and downgrade ourselves everytime we look in the mirror? Why cant we just accept how we look like. Be confident! Think about it...we were born this way, so is it really logical to cry because your mom and dad didnt make you a beautiful baby? No cause thats just the way it is. You are who you are, but what you are that makes the difference in getting someone you like.

From a girl's point of view, she might say 'im ugly, thats why no guys ever asked me out' me that is total shit straight out of ur tv. The world's got over a billion people living on it. Chances are you will meet someone. Every girl has got just as much chance as Bella Swan in gettin someone like Edward Cullen. What puts Bella ahead of the others? Its her confidence in wanting to strike a conversation with Edward. Imagine if she would just be like the other girls who would only look at Edward from afar. Theres no way she wouldve gotten him. Speakin in that context, the point is if you dont get someone, it does not mean you're ugly, it simply means you dont seem interesting to him. It doesnt matter who makes the first move. Ok I kno all guys would want a pretty/hot/sexy/cute girl for their girlfriend but pretty/hot/sexy/cute doesnt limit to appearances only. It could also relate to personality, interest, attitude, the way you talk or how you act. Do not conform into the common image that you have to dress up and make up so much in order to get a guy. Think, do not dress yourself into somethin uncomfortable just to get a guy to like you cause its only hurting yourself. Just be yourself and be confident, you're not the only one who has imperfection.. Everyone on earth does.

From a guy's point of view, well being a guy, i could certainly say a lot. As messy, dirty, rough, and unorganized that we are, we do have feelings and like girls, we also have imperfection..then again who doesnt? Anyway from life experience, most guys have low self-esteem. Some of us are veryyy shy and at times embarassed at how we look. There are lots of guys who look at themselves in the mirror and wishin they werent fat, dark, short, dork, or dress up badly. There are lots of other imperfection but as mentioned earlier, i'm only focusin on appearance. However despite all the negativity, we never get jealous if we see some other guy steal our girl. Because we kno that if we dont get someone, its not the end of the world. Its just somethin to do with the cosmic interference. There are lots of other girls in the world to hook up with. This just shows how different boys feel about their imperfection; we're not that emotional even though we have lower self esteem. If you dont believe me, imagine this scenario.. a girl/guy asks a guy/girl to go out with him. Who would be the more nervous one prior to goin out on the date? I can guarantee you that itd be the guy..and statistics proves it too. Surveys conducted not some time ago suggested that of 500 guys who were asked about dating, 69% of them admitted that they feel really nervous when they go out on a date. Now being a guy, when i read that statistic, it really doesnt help at all. However on the bright side, at least i kno im not the only who feels nervous when i go out on a date. But this does not mean us guys shouldnt just let statistic make our decisions and determine our actions, we have to stop feeling bad about how we look. we have to feel confident cause girls like guys who are confident ( i asked a couple of my girl friends and they all agree to that, looks are second).

However you may look, unique, normal or beautiful, theres no denyin that no matter how often u look in the mirror, theres always a sense of wantin more to satisfy the opposite sex. That has got to stop in my opinion. You only live life once and if you're afraid to take risks and be adventurous and care-free, i can assure you that you are missing the bigger picture of life. You are who you are, make use of what you have and dont linger around about not feeling good about your look. I used to be like that too. I used to look at myself everytime i see a mirror and say 'wow i look gay', but after movin to schools after schools, countries after countries, continents after continents, I eventually stop as i realise that nobody's perfect and it wont do anybody any good to think what others think about you. Sure i have my own imperfections such as that i have muscular legs(i dont look good in wearin fitted jeans), but time made me wonder why do i need to spend an hour in front of the mirror to look good for everybody? to whom do i owe to of dressin up, what do i have to prove? The answer is nothin, i dont have to prove to anybody anythin. People who tries to blend in the latest trend and shows off in public are conformists. Theyre the saddest people in the world cause they try so hard to show other people theyre cool. Well fuck that, no matter how you look like, you'll always be known for something. Having been said that I hope my friends realise how perfect actually they really are in my eyes. For they should never forget, we are all precious and valuable just the way we are! As for the others, I encourage you all to give yourselves a good look in the mirror and notice your flaws. Look at them and remind yourself that they make you who you are!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."