Wednesday, February 25, 2009

26th of Feb 1990

There comes a time when a man has to accept that he is gettin old..he is no longer a child, but an adult, who has to take responsibilities of his actions and start thinkin more rationally and wisely. Just like Peter's uncle said before he got shot... "With experience, comes great responsibilities" This is definitely true. A man can't be a kid forever.. He has to move on and see things more seriously. He should already set down a path he wishes to take..A life of meaning or a life of happiness? Two very different paths indeed. For someone who wants to have a life of meaning would be more cautious of his actions and would dwell upon the past and every mistakes he has made..lots of thinkin but not enough action..For someone who wants to have a life of happiness, he would only do anythin he can to seek happiness, and has become a robot in doin so...just spendin his life on doin 'fun' things and not regrettin his achievements..lots of action but not enough thinkin...Hamlet was a thinkin man, a man who sought a meanin in life..Laertes on the other hand, was a man of action, who sought revenge

anyway, i know what you're thinkin..ur probably sayin what on earth is this guy talkin about? haha well yeah i myself dont know why i wrote all that..I mean, i just turned 19 a few hours ago! 

BADDD news for me..Madrid didnt win at home..we lost to Liverpool last night..i didnt see the match for i was sleepin on my bed like a new born babe..ahh how unfortunate was i...

BIGGGG day ahead of me! I'm 19 and i shall be celebratin! I'm the same age as my sister Lyana now hahaha GAY!

Last but not least, i wanna thank Jay, Lyana, Ylia and Danial for makin me smile early in the morning by wishin me Happy Birthday :D

May the force be with you


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